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"A Sunny Day" Painting by Helena Ogburn 24" x 24"
"When Fireflies Play" Painting by Helena Ogburn 48" x 48"
"Figuring It Out" Painting by Helena Ogburn 40" x 30"
"Hidden Gold" Painting by Helena Ogburn 24" x 24"
"Soul - Speak" Painting by Helena Ogburn 27" x 21"
"Where Butterflies Hide" Painting by Helena Ogburn 27" x 21"
"The Symphony of Life" Painting by Helena Ogburn 15" x 27"
"Soul Glimmers" Painting by Helena Ogburn 23.5" x 19.5"
"The Mix of Life" Painting by Helena Ogburn 25" x 18"
"Travelling Under The Radar" Painting by Helena Ogburn 26.5" x 20.5"
"Finding The Light" Painting by Helena Ogburn 30" x 15"
"Under The Surface" Painting by Helena Ogburn 30" x 15"
Folkmanis Leopard Cub Puppet
MOVA Globe Saturn
Austin Titus Moonstone & Kyanite Necklace
Austin Titus Green Kyanite Necklace
Austin Titus Moonstone Necklace
Austin Titus Topaz Earrings
Austin Titus Moonstone Earrings